Hey Colleges Read This!

Because grades don't show personality.

Thank you. January 8, 2013

Filed under: Poetry — Haley @ 7:36 pm
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Here’s to the life we all tend to lead;

different in passing, difficult to leave.

We keep changing as others realize that they don’t need

what once happened should be believed.


Each breath should be one more saving grace

as simplicity gets tangled with personal haste

for one to figure out the difference between

love and waste.


The night dreamt up ways for us to perceive

why we become and why others leave.

Notions of things so hard to understand

make love so unique and promises so grand.


Here’s to the life no one seems to understand;

for the jokes, the sun, and the miles we ran.

To days lingering like the past can do

may the sun keep shining on just like you.

***Side note: I apologize for the unannounced hiatus. This semester has been a lot  rougher than I anticipated yet overall, worth it. Luckily, next semester means new classes and more time to do what I love—independent writing. This also happens to be my final full week of class until February as well as the week before finals.

Despite being written in 2011, this poem has always struck me as universal to the world around me and I hope it applies the same way to you.

Thanks for your loyalty :),



The Widow’s Song(poetry) August 7, 2012

Filed under: Poetry — Haley @ 9:59 pm
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If you follow; I will too.

Don’t warn me of the dangers that lie ahead;

experience is more potent than stories simply said.

If you know what to do, I will too.



Europe Trip: Part 5-London day 4/5 July 18, 2012

[Press play, then read]

I’ve been trying to do it right;

keeping my family in eye sight

as I seek an pinnacle of independence

to bind me to my teenage years.

Freedom felt nice

as that’s where I stood;

wondering if the pictures of the royal gem my sister secretly took

will ever mean more than  likes on Instagram

or saying you shook hands with a headless man.

The only Royal Beast in sight was an employee at the London Tower

which really didn’t matter

knowing tea at Harrods was a ferry ride away

—an extended metaphor to tell the independent gal within;

lemon coconut macaroons taste better while surrounded by kin.

I could rhyme away my desires as long as I live

but knowing  that deep down inside,

I’ll always just be a little kid

doing what I love, loving what I do,

believing my parents always make the rules

even if that means there’s nothing to do

but live in the moment of ‘now’.

Don’t forget about my current give away. Details are here.


Here’s to the… June 11, 2012

Filed under: Poetry — Haley @ 9:06 am
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Here’s to the life we all tend to lead;

different in passing, difficult to leave.

We keep changing as others realize that they don’t need

what once happened should be believed.


Each breath should be one more saving grace

as simplicity gets tangled with personal haste

for one to figure out the difference between

love and waste.


The night dreamt up ways for us to perceive

why we become and why others leave.

Notions of things so hard to understand

make love so unique and promises so grand.


Here’s to the life no one seems to understand;

for the jokes, the sun, and the miles we ran.

To days lingering like the past can do

may the sun keep shining on just like you.